Serving Southern Brazoria County

Our pantry serves individuals and families residing in Southern Brazoria County.

Our neighbors come to the pantry for various reasons. They include:

  • Families and individuals blindsided by a partial or total loss in income due to reduced hours, unemployment, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances, no longer able to afford basic necessities.

  • Working families whose total income is insufficient to adequately feed the family and pay the rent and their bills on time.

  • Seniors and disabled individuals living on fixed incomes.

Hunger 101

The face of hunger.  Traditionally the homeless or working poor, hunger has crept into the neighborhoods of Middle Class America.  It affects contractors who have lost their jobs and seniors struggling to make ends meet because of rising medical bills and prescription drug costs.  

Millions of children and families living in America face hunger and food insecurity every day:

  • Due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 42 million people may experience food insecurity, including a potential 13 million children.

  • The pandemic has most impacted families that were already facing hunger or one paycheck away from facing hunger.

  • According to the USDA's latest Household Food Insecurity in the United States report, more than 35 million people in the United States experienced hunger in 2019.

  • Households with children are more likely to experience food insecurity. Before the coronavirus pandemic, more than 10 million children live in food-insecure households.

  • Every community in the country is home to families who face hunger including rural and suburban communities.

  • Many households that experience food insecurity do not qualify for federal nutrition programs and need to rely on their local food banks and other hunger relief organizations for support.

Many people in our community make tough choices every day between eating and paying for basic needs. Learn the facts at     

*Based on Feeding America, studies, published 2021.